Script to login to ssh twice

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I need to login through ssh twice with a script and can’t get it to work. This is what I have in my script file:


set login "user"
set addr "address1"
set addr2 "address2"
set pw "password"

spawn ssh $login@$addr
expect "$login@$addr's password:"
send "$pwr"
expect "$login@host:"
spawn ssh $addr2
expect "$login@$addr's password:"
send "$pwr"

but this fails with the error:

user@host:~$ ssh: Could not resolve hostname address2: Name or service not known
send: spawn id exp7 not open
    while executing
"send "$pwr""

If I change the line spawn ssh $addr2 with exec ssh $addr2 it fails with the error:

user@host:~$ ssh: Could not resolve hostname address2: Name or service not known
    while executing
"exec ssh $addr2"

What do I need to change in order to make this work?

ssh is unable to resolve the hostname you are giving it, and so it errors out. You are then telling expect to send the password, but there is nothing to send it to since ssh threw the error and quit. So you need to check the hostname you are giving it, since it isn’t resolving. Or you can switch to an IP address. But it is probably better to find out why it can’t figure out who “address2” is.


Lookup ssl key generation. You generate a pair of keys (public and private), you keep the private key(s) you generate on your system, and place the public keys on systems you need to access through ssh. Then ssh does not prompt you for password, and you don’t need expect.

Here is a script, “”, I use to generate keys, so I can generate different keypairs for different systems,

COMMENT=${2:-"Key for $SYSTEM work"}
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa.$SYSTEM -C "$COMMENT"
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_dsa.$SYSTEM
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_dsa.$

Copy the ~/.ssh/id_dsa.$ key to the remote system. Be Careful – the instructions all say copy the keyfile, but you want to append it!

Then you need a file ~/.ssh/config which tells which keys to use for which hosts.

#key: prod
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
  User meself

#key: dev/test
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
  User meself

#key: ftp dropbox
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa.dropbox
  User virtualuser

#key: ftp thing
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa.think
  User neato

#key: work
Host *
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
  User workid

Posting my own answer since I found a way around this issue. Here’s the script that actually works:


set login "user"
set addr "address1"
set addr2 "address2"
set pw "password"

spawn ssh $login@$addr
expect "$login@$addr's password:"
send "$pwr"
expect "$login@host:"
send "ssh $addr2r"
expect "$login@$addr's password:"
send "$pwr"

So basically I replaced the line spawn ssh $addr2 with send "ssh $addr2r". I was trying to spawn another ssh from where I started instead of starting another ssh on the host I first ssh’d to.


Script to login to ssh twice
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